Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More Web design trends for 2011

Since we almost three months to a year I decided it was time to give my take on what could happen in Web design in 2011. (At least I thought maybe I should type it before the year is over.)

So, over several weeks and have read some of my favourite web design magazines and Web design blogs and articles, and considered a number of newer sites, especially outside North America, where I could share some thoughts on what appears to be some major trends in website design for 2011. Nothing contained herein only some scientific observations.

1. less use "Flash" is not the fact that Flash is great technology ...(When used appropriately,) ... But in the last year or so it has been the most used, abused, offended that they developed a bad reputation. Certainly the current shenanigans between Adobe (creator of Flash) and Apple (iPhone and company) doesn't help the situation. Today, need clean and uncluttered design, fast loading websites and above all must be "search engine" friendly. This problem is now with Flash start coding HTML5 and CSS3 new languages, along with the explosive growth of Internet browsing on mobile devices and perhaps the beginning of the end Flash Web design.

2. simpler, cleaner design is simple. Minimum. Uncluttered. There is nothing quite as "grab attention" as honest and direct message to quiet background. Calm can be interpreted in different ways. Forget black and white or shades of gray, although these are still popular in some industries. Thinking green yellow red or blue, even as your base color. However, limit your color palette to two or three colors. Work within each color shades of variety and depth. Can be truly remarkable what color can do some effective messaging.

3. mobile ready smart design ", tablets, netbooks, and the list goes on and on. There is an amazing amount of mobile consumer products available in 2011. This means your Web design must respond to multiple devices. Create a website mobile ready is not merely remove the bells and whistles of your current design. One of the most important developments is that you can design a complete website and allow your encoding to match the average user's display. It may be tempting to create custom mobile site, but that may no longer meet your audience. Includes sites increasingly mobile, option to visit the original site. If you don't provide this option, or if your original site is optimized for mobile standards, you just aren't ready for 2011. Predict forecasters smartphones will get personal computers this year, and by 2013 will spend more time surfing the Web on a mobile device from the personal computer.

4. large photographic backgrounds will surge broad backgrounds in 2011. These high-resolution images, and covers the entire site. Large images immediately to capture your audience. Huge photos for Web designers were proscribed, but thanks to optimal image designers and faster smarter Internet connections upload much better ways to get in some sites pay image sizes. As trends indicate soft and transparent images are not over shadow your content, but reconciles with them.

5-QR: quick response you may have noticed these barcodes square (apparently many squiggly unrelated) appeared on business cards or magazines or anywhere else, so you may already know a hot trend for 2011. This is called QR barcodes, "rapid response" shortcut. And how exactly translate QR to Web design? Well, in fact. Just take a picture of a unique barcode with your camera phone. Like magic, your phone will be available on the website associated with this barcode. QR nice thing is the flexibility. Feature your QR on your site, in order for visitors to your mobile site. 2011 all about mobility and it would be smart to take advantage of this new medium.

6. mini design friends Google introduced the average Internet user to browse thumbnails. Gone days of clicking through to see the content of a website now. Now, you can just click on the magnifying glass and hover. And just like magic before your eyes a glimpse of what awaits on the other side to your click. This is another issue of redesigned Flash based certainly won't be a problem. Will not display the preview of your design elements. The average surfer Internet become more Internet savvy in 2011, we expect to see more people navigate using these means.

This is by no means a complete list of all directions. In fact, we might write a full post on trends in the use of different fonts.

Drop me a line and let me know what trends you noticed and what do you think of this.

Lotus Steve businessmen who had owned and operated his own retail for more than 25 years. Participated in Web design and Internet marketing over the past 10 years, and passionate about helping small businesses grow and succeed by leveraging the full potential of the Internet and online marketing. If you're a small business owner with questions please contact us to learn more about website design, Web marketing.

Article source:

Stephen Loates - EzineArticles Expert Author

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