Thursday, May 26, 2011

iPad and a Day in the Future

I have seen the future. I have been to tomorrow. And when I was there I saw no paper. Paper was gone. Look high and look low I couldn't find a sheet anywhere. Like an 8 track music or record player paper was gone. The world was so void of paper that even books and magazines were gone. Newspapers a thing of the past. In a panic I ran to the museum and behold behind a protected glass case was a perfectly preserved piece of paper. It was sad because no one was interested in looking at this exhibit. It was just me at the exhibit.

So desiring to find a place to write I came across what seemed to be everywhere. Paper sized tablets that were just like iPad's. In fact many of them said iPad on them. I took it and saw there were many options available on it. I could even get what looked like paper to write on. Sudden relief came over me. I was in the future and the future had no paper. Instead everyone was using iPads. And for those of us who did not have them it was easy to obtain one.

A knock at the door. It was someone who wanted to tell me about some social issue in the world and to deliver a magazine about it. I thought, a magazine? No instead they wanted me to get my iPad so that they could transmit an upload to it. Once I got it I found the magazine was available just like the ones we use to get when it was paper. This one though also had video embedded in it. I enjoyed an interactive magazine that someone delivered through their iPad.

I looked outside to go to the mailbox but there was none in sight. I wondered if letters were still delivered. It turns out big items were still shipped. But all paper announcements were delivered through the internet. In fact my iPad had an app called daily mail. Email had finally taken over the media mail business!

I went to a restaurant to get something to eat. It was necessary that I bring my iPad or iPhone. They had also taken over the wallet. So as I finished my meal I saw that the bill had already been scanned into my iPhone and iPad. Amazing!

Have you seen the future with me? Paper was gone and iPad, tablet devices had taken over. The vision is real it is only a matter of time!


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