Laser stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. These devices works when the light is amplified and there is stimulated emission. For a stimulated emission the electricity is passed on to the laser gas. When the electricity is discharged the electrons collide with the gas atoms that further impart the energy on to them. Once the atoms are energized they remain in an unstable condition wherein some of the electrons have already shifted to a level with much higher levels of energy. The atoms that are fully charged quickly go back to the original state when the electrons present go back to the normal condition. These devices are constructed in a quite simple design. The helium neon laser consists of three important parts and function according to the process of amplification of light and stimulated emissions.
Comprised of three important parts
They comprise of three important parts and operate by following the process of emission that is stimulation and amplification of light. Due to their several advantages over other kinds of lasers, these devices are widely being used for various applications in the research industry. The three components of these devices are structured packaging, power supply of high voltage and the laser pipe. The laser pipe is a glass tube that is sealed and consists of mirrors, electrodes and laser gas. The size of the tube varies with each other from more than a few cm of diameter and numerous meters in length. The gas in the laser is a mix of neon and helium. The proportion of these gases may range from anywhere respectively between 4:1 and 5:1.
Electrodes at the end of each tube
The electrodes that are situated at the end of each tube with the help of a gas discharge electricity. The functions of the mirror that is present at the tube ending aim to increase the effectiveness. The electric supply is necessary to provide the needed high voltage. A voltage supply of 10kv is required to start the emission of the laser and to sustain a continuous supply of 1-2 kV is required. The packaging of helium neon lasers includes mounts necessary for the laser pipe and also for the power supply. In some cases the helium-neon lasers consist of shutters for safety to stop accidental exposure and also prevents external optics from fine tuning the beam.
Advantages of the helium neon laser
The helium neon laser has several advantages over other kinds of laser. In general, lasers have an efficiency of one percent but the efficiency of helium neon lasers is nearly ten times more. The helium neon laser delivers power of around 75 mw. The edge that helium neon lasers have over other lasers is that they are capable of emitting visible light, have a beam of good quality and are affordable too. Other lasers don't have the capability to emit light on the other hand helium neon lasers have the capability to emit a red beam at around 632.8nm. These lasers generally don't require any cryogenic gases, sapphire rods etc or any other consumables. Its laser beam also stays focused over long distances.
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